Bus Information

  • Please call ahead to let us know when you will arrive and to receive parking instructions.
  • Busses are limited to small cones or cups. We have over 40 flavors available so its helpful to check them out before coming.  View our flavor gallery!
  • Pre Orders are available, but require prepayment.
  • Individuals may pay or group leader may pay. Group leader must be present at time of purchase if paying.

Contact info

Let us know you’re coming! (573) 635-6148
Central Dairy
610 Madison Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101-3199

Bus Parking

Busses can park in front of Central Dairy on Madison Street or on Dunklin Street. There is also a lot near the highway for parking. Most buses will want to avoid the parking lot diagonal from the parlor as it is difficult to get in and out of.